Chinese calligraphy is not only a communication form, but an art in itself. Many calligraphy examples are part of museums and private collections due to their beauty. Also, it is one of the writing forms that are most difficult to learn, since a slight modification in the pattern can change the entire meaning of the character. You need to follow strictly the sequence of strokes if you want to write correctly even the simplest of the characters. For this reason, for non-Chinese people, it was only possible to learn this art form through the direction of a qualified teacher, which is not available for many people. Chinese Writing Master has put an end to this situation. Now you can learn the strokes and the correct sequence of any Chinese character through very clever animations and sequence charts. You only need to copy the Chinese character you want to learn, and press "play"; a pencil-shaped cursor would appear, showing you how to do the strokes in order. Each new stroke appears with a different color for you to see. Also, you can display an animated chart showing all the strokes in order. All these features are for the Standard version. There is also a Teacher's Edition, with many features for people teaching the Chinese language. You can try both versions for free.